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What is process discovery?

Process discovery is the analysis of operational activities to uncover how processes work across people, systems, and data to identify where to optimize and automate.

Process discovery delivers visibility on how organizations operate, showing everything that happens between applications, information, and people to accomplish workflows and processes. It fills in the unknowns of process execution to identify bottlenecks and risks, fueling business process improvement.

Robotic process automation (RPA)

The benefits of process discovery.

Gain a deeper understanding of current processes, uncovering opportunities to improve, optimize, and automate.

Accelerate automation

Accelerate automation

efforts to expand digital transformation to more enterprise functions and teams by uncovering top automation opportunities.

Overcome bottlenecks

Overcome bottlenecks

that consistently delay and reduce the number of processes completed by identifying everything that can be automated.

Achieve transparency

Achieve transparency

for the most complicated, drawn-out processes with unparalleled visibility into how business processes really work.

Improve compliance

Improve compliance

and reduce risk by documenting exactly which actions are performed in a process to assess whether compliance standards are being met.

Assess scalability

Assess scalability

of processes to meet growing business needs with insight into process components and dependencies.

How does process discovery work?

Process discovery works by leveraging state-of-the-art technologies such as computer vision, artificial intelligence (AI), machine learning (ML), and natural language processing (NLP) to continuously monitor and analyze digital interactions across all applications and departments within an organization. Without disrupting workflows, it generates a real-time, comprehensive map of every digital process throughout the enterprise.

Process discovery is nonintrusive and captures data quietly in the background. It requires zero integration, enabling barrier-free collection of valuable process data from every system in use, including modern and legacy applications such as ERP, CRM, HCM systems, and databases.

Collect process data

Collect process data

Capture process information across all systems and applications.

																Clean and aggregate

Clean and aggregate

Compile and transform process observations into structured information.

																Discover and analyze

Discover and analyze

Interpret and contextualize granular process data into workflows.

																Action with automation

Action with automation

Utilize insights to inform decisions and optimize automations.

What to look for in a process discovery solution.

When evaluating process discovery solutions, consider the importance of advanced AI capabilities in providing a granular view of every process detail as well as insights for prioritizing automation efforts.

Speed and accuracy

Speed and accuracy

The ideal process discovery solution allows you to swiftly comprehend your business’s functions and operations. It provides 100% transparency, allowing you to uncover every minute detail about your business processes efficiently and securely.

AI-powered automation

AI-powered automation

Search for a solution that employs AI for discovering, prioritizing, and automating processes at an accelerated pace. The AI-powered tool can help significantly in generating swift automation development and fine-tuning, hence enabling ready-to-launch automations in less time.

Process transparency

Process transparency

Your chosen solution should provide a transparent, secure, and exhaustive view of where you need to focus your automation efforts. With data-driven insights, it should help pinpoint inefficiencies, unveil the optimal path for processes, and cut down the time to automation.

Advanced computer vision

Advanced computer vision

Process discovery solutions should be equipped with state-of-the-art computer vision and AI capabilities to accurately capture intricate user details across diverse applications. This allows organizations to visualize their processes at a micro level for a better understanding.

Intuitive process visualizations

Intuitive process visualizations

Your solution should articulate complex workflows through clear and dynamic process maps and flow graphs. This feature presents a broad, easy-to-understand visualization of end-to-end operations, aiding in effective process analysis.

Comprehensive process intelligence

Comprehensive process intelligence

Your chosen solution should offer advanced AI analysis of user actions to unearth hidden patterns, trends, and deviations in work processes. These actionable insights can assist in spotting high-impact opportunities for automation and improvement.

Data privacy controls

Data privacy controls

Your process discovery solution should give you power over the applications and domains included in data capture or filtration. It should have an automatic redaction feature for sensitive information to maintain data privacy. An effective process discovery solution should be able to comply with industry-specific regulations, adhere to GDPR and data privacy principles, including the encryption of sensitive information, and provide essentials-only cloud storage. Certifications to trust: SOC 1 Type 2, SOC 2 Type 2, ISO 27001, HITRUST, and ISO 22301.

Multi-pronged security

Multi-pronged security

The process discovery solution you choose should provide robust, multi-tenant, cloud-native environments with data encryption and adherence to privacy compliance. Compliance with major industry data standards and security certifications is essential to ensure data protection. Look for security certifications such as ISO27001 and SOC 1 & 2 Type 2.

Process data analysis

Process data analysis

Your process discovery solution should be capable of capturing, visualizing, and interpreting digital processes to assess, prioritize, and quicken automations. This feature is key in decoding and analyzing process data to guide decision-making and optimization.

Process discovery use cases by industry.



Discover where to optimize customer interactions, including onboarding customers, notifying them of new service options and features, and navigating through the process of changing or upgrading services.



Identify customer processes to automate, such as issuing payment reminders or requesting documentation for claims or policies. Find backend processes to automate, like resolving claims, formulating quotes, and determining discounts for premiums.



Speed up accounting workflows by identifying what to automate in managing payroll, completing tax forms, reconciling balance sheets, handling expenses, and ensuring orders are filled and invoices are paid.

Human Resources

Human Resources

Analyze talent acquisition tasks such as sending interview invitations and job offers, screening resumes, and performing background checks. Understand benefits workflows, including processing vacation requests and health insurance needs.

Customer Service

Customer Service

In contact centers, evaluate process efficiencies in onboarding and training, customer service workflows, and fetching and updating customer information across systems of record.



Increase efficiency and compliance with visibility into invoice processing, accounts payable/receivable, and expense management.

The evolution of process discovery.

The advance of process discovery technology has empowered businesses seeking to harness the power of Intelligent Automation.


Manual effort

Initially, process discovery was manual, relying on stakeholder input, workshops, and observation to map out processes. While slow and often limited to uncovering incomplete or inaccurate process models, these early efforts laid the groundwork for understanding the critical importance of accurate process mapping in automation.


Digital logs

Soon, tools began to leverage data logs from enterprise systems (like ERP and CRM) to reconstruct processes. Although more accurate, this approach still lacked process nuances and variations that were not reflected in digital logs. However, it marked a significant step forward by using technology to identify inefficiencies and automation opportunities more systematically.


Process performance

Process mining, by exploiting event logs, enabled visualizing and analyzing the performance of business processes. This offered a more detailed, accurate picture of business operations with insights into bottlenecks, deviations, and compliance issues, enriching both the scope and success of automation initiatives.


Intelligent process discovery

Harnessing AI enabled a quantum leap in process discovery. With AI-powered discovery and generative AI, organizations get a clear, secure, and complete view of processes, controlling for data privacy and pinpointing where to prioritize automation efforts to drive growth, efficiency, and innovation.

Understanding the stakeholders in process discovery.

A diverse range of stakeholders form the backbone of process discovery, helping businesses unlock its full potential by ensuring every step, from identifying to optimizing to automating, is aligned with business goals.


Process Engineers

The architects of business processes, these professionals are responsible for understanding and optimizing process efficiency and quality. Their core duties include enhancing workflows and designing processes that boost productivity.


Subject Matter Experts (SMEs)

These individuals possess specialized knowledge in a specific field or process. SMEs offer valuable insights into particular processes, significantly contributing to the accuracy of process mapping.


Data Analysts

As the name suggests, these practitioners analyze data, transforming it into meaningful business intelligence solutions and reports. Their analytical prowess is critical for spotting trends, identifying bottlenecks, and suggesting improvements.


Business Analysts

These experts adeptly harness data and analytics to align with business goals and objectives. They are instrumental in bridging the gap between IT and business needs, enabling smarter decision-making and strategic planning.

What are the outcomes of process discovery?

Process discovery reveals a lot about how an organization works. It uncovers bottlenecks, deviations, and compliance issues, providing data for companies to base their automation strategies on. With the integration of AI and machine learning technologies, process discovery has evolved to offer predictive and prescriptive analytics, empowering businesses with deeper operational insights and automation direction.

What to automate

What to automate

Reduce time-to-value on your automation investment by uncovering automation-ready tasks and processes.

Where to refine deployments

Where to refine deployments

Leverage your existing technology investments more efficiently by identifying where to finetune deployments.

Productivity hurdles

Productivity hurdles

Maximize workforce productivity by revealing and resolving the workarounds and bottlenecks holding employees back.

Performance enhancements

Performance enhancements

Reduce operating expenses by acting on revealed opportunities to increase process performance and level of automation.

Transformation path

Transformation path

Optimize your business outcomes by leveraging process insights to transform for operational excellence at scale.

How process discovery fits within a complete Intelligent Automation platform.

Process discovery works best within an Intelligent Automation solution that supports the end-to-end automation journey, encompassing workforce management, systems integration, security, and scalability.

Automation Success Platform

Frequently asked questions.

What is the difference between process discovery and process mining?

Process discovery and process mining are both critical components of business process management, particularly in the context of automation and AI-driven improvement strategies. Process mining is an important part of uncovering business processes. It leverages data logs generated by business systems (such as ERP, CRM, and BPM tools) to reconstruct and analyze process paths. Process discovery takes this a step further, using AI to extract insights from event logs to identify bottlenecks, variances (deviations from the standard process), and opportunities for process optimization. It involves identifying, mapping out, and analyzing activities and workflows to create a complete view of how tasks are performed. Process discovery is crucial to scaling enterprise Intelligent Automation efforts.

What is the difference between process discovery and task mining?

Process discovery aims at mapping out business processes as a whole. It's a comprehensive approach to understanding and documenting processes within an organization. Process discovery involves multiple techniques, including task mining, to achieve both micro- and macro-level understanding of processes. Task mining zeroes in on the specific tasks or activities carried out by individuals. It leverages user interaction data from desktops and applications to capture detailed, step-by-step actions that employees take to complete particular tasks. By focusing on the micro level, task mining uncovers inefficiencies, variances, and bottlenecks in how individual tasks are performed, often revealing opportunities for process simplification, automation, or re-engineering of specific tasks.

How does process discovery help with robotic process automation (RPA)?

In essence, process discovery equips organizations with the insights needed to deploy RPA effectively, making it an indispensable part of any successful automation strategy. By understanding and optimizing processes before automating them, companies can harness the full potential of RPA, leading to increased efficiency, cost savings, and enhanced employee satisfaction.

Process discovery fuels automation efforts by:

  • Identifying automation opportunities: Process discovery helps organizations pinpoint repetitive, rule-based tasks within their operations. By mapping out the current state of business processes, it becomes clear which tasks are frequently performed and time-consuming for human workers. Identifying these tasks is the first step in recognizing where RPA can have the most significant impact.
  • Ensuring process standardization: Before automating a process, it's crucial to ensure that it is as efficient and standardized as possible. Process discovery reveals variations and inefficiencies in current workflows, allowing businesses to streamline and standardize processes. This standardization is essential for the effective application of RPA, which performs best when following a consistent set of rules.
  • Empowering process understanding: Through detailed mapping, process discovery provides a deep understanding of how tasks are executed and how they interconnect within the larger operational ecosystem. This comprehensive view is necessary for designing RPA solutions that seamlessly integrate with existing systems and workflows without disrupting the overall process flow.
  • Prioritizing processes for automation: Not all processes are equally suited for automation. Process discovery aids in assessing the complexity, frequency, and return on investment of automating each process, helping organizations prioritize their RPA projects. By focusing on high-value, high-impact processes first, businesses can achieve quicker wins and establish a strong foundation for further RPA expansion.
  • Mitigating implementation risks: Implementing RPA involves change management and can introduce risks if not done carefully. Through process discovery, organizations can anticipate potential bottlenecks, resistance, or system integration challenges. By addressing these issues proactively, businesses can smooth the path for RPA deployment, ensuring a higher success rate and minimal disruption.

What should organizations consider when evaluating process discovery tools?

When evaluating process discovery tools, organizations should ensure they select a solution that not only meets their current needs but also scales effectively with growth and evolving goals. A solution that leverages AI for rapid discovery, prioritization, and automation can significantly reduce the time to launch automations. It's essential to select a tool that provides a transparent, detailed view of operations, pinpointing inefficiencies and guiding automation efforts efficiently.

Look for advanced capabilities, including cutting-edge computer vision and intuitive visualizations, which are critical for capturing and articulating complex workflows. AI analysis tools should reveal actionable insights by identifying patterns, trends, and deviations to highlight areas ripe for automation. Data privacy is paramount; opt for solutions with stringent data controls, including automatic redaction and robust encryption, to protect sensitive information.

What trends are driving organizations to invest in process discovery?

Several key trends propel organizational interest and investment in process discovery. Each is part of the broader landscape of the imperative of transformation across operations and business models. These trends highlight the strategic importance of AI in driving efficiency, innovation, and competitive advantage.

Trends driving investment in process discovery technology:

  • Efficiency and scalability: Organizations are under constant pressure to deliver more with less. AI-powered process discovery offers unprecedented speed and accuracy in mapping out and analyzing processes, enabling organizations to rapidly identify bottlenecks and inefficiencies to automate and optimize operations.
  • Data-driven decision making: Leveraging the staggering volume of data generated by businesses has become a top priority. This trend towards data-driven strategy underscores the value of AI in uncovering opportunities for optimization.
  • Customer Experience: Organizations are recognizing that streamlined, efficient processes directly contribute to better customer service. AI-powered process discovery helps identify areas where customer interactions can be improved, driving investments in technologies that ensure seamless customer experiences.
  • Agility and adaptability imperatives: The business environment is constantly evolving, with new challenges and opportunities emerging almost daily. AI-powered process discovery enables organizations to remain agile and adapt their processes quickly in response to change.
  • Compliance and risk management: Regulatory compliance and risk management are increasingly complex, particularly for industries such as finance, healthcare, and legal. AI-powered process discovery can help organizations ensure that their processes comply with evolving regulations and standards.
  • Digital transformation: Organizations face the imperative of digitizing and automating as many aspects of their operations as possible to increase overall performance and productivity.
  • Making work more human: Supporting and augmenting human workers is now a focus for organizations. AI-powered process discovery is being used to identify tasks that can be automated, allowing human employees to focus on more strategic, creative, and value-adding activities.

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