Business challenge.

33% of physicians spend two hours or more outside office hours responding to patient emails and messages, taking away family time. It's a top cause of burnout in an alarming 63% of physicians.

Burnout causes disruptive behavior, increased medical errors and risk of malpractice, substance abuse, lower patient satisfaction scores, and longer patient recovery.

The automation + generative AI solution.

  • checkmarkAutomation powered by generative AI quickly and accurately categorizes and prioritizes incoming patient messages by urgency and severity.
  • checkmark Physicians leverage generative AI to generate personalized responses with the information gathered by automation from the patient, EHR, as well as other back-end systems.
  • checkmarkAll communications are then uploaded and stored in providers’ systems of record per compliance mandates.

Less burnout and better patient outcomes with automation and generative AI.


increase in physician productivity


physician burnout and over-extended work hours​


medical staff retention​


patient health outcomes through faster, more accurate responses​

See how automation and generative AI streamline responding to patient messages, delivering 60% faster turnaround.

Reduce handling time from 16 min to just six min with automation and generative AI.​


Patient sends online message.


Received by secure EHR patient portal.

Document automation

Document Automation applied to process attached documents.


Automation logs into data stores​.

center logo sap
Gen AI
Generative AI

Generative AI understands and synthesizes context.

C O N T E X T​
  • checkmarkNew / worsening symptoms
  • checkmark Request for information
  • checkmark Inquiry about account
  • checkmarkDiscussion of status
  • checkmarkSpecialist/service request
  • checkmarkAppointment change
  • checkmarkSubmission of documents
  • checkmarkRequest for old records
  • checkmarkAdditional scenarios
Physician reviews​
automate generative AI
center logo
  • checkmarkSend to emergency department
  • checkmark See the next day
  • checkmark Order lab / scan
  • checkmarkOrder medication
  • checkmarkRefer to other resource
generative AI

Physician reviews and responds using Automation Co-Pilot embedded in EHR.



human interaction

Human interaction

 Generative AI

Generative AI

 Generative AI

Automation Co-Pilot

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