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  • Automation Anywhere Advances AI-Powered Document Automation In The Cloud To Support Japanese and Korean Languages

New Google Cloud Vision API integration improves ease of document processing in Japanese, Korean languages

Automation Anywhere, a global leader in Robotic Process Automation (RPA), advanced Document Automation – the world’s only web-based, cloud-native intelligent document processing (IDP) solution – with flexibility in cloud-based deployments in Japanese, Korean and other languages.

Now, with expanded integration with Google Cloud Vision API, business users can benefit from improved document processing capabilities with Google Cloud's Document AI. Document Automation combines RPA with AI technologies to intelligently extract semi-structured and unstructured data from a variety of complex document types, such as invoices, purchase orders, bill of materials, mill sheets – even medical receipts. Improved capabilities lead to increased speed and accuracy.

As the COVID-19 pandemic continues to impact healthcare and government workers on the front line, organizations worldwide are realizing the full potential of document processing for faster, more accurate results. With the addition of Google Cloud Vision API, organizations in Japan and Korea now have the ability to automate document-centric processes across multiple industries, including healthcare, manufacturing and many more.

“Google Cloud Vision API offers powerful pre-trained machine learning models that can read printed and handwritten text,” said Pallab Deb, Head of Partner Solutions and AI Partnerships at Google Cloud.
“Our integration with Automation Anywhere, puts this solution in the hands of millions of users who can benefit from Document AI, which lets users process millions of documents quickly and automate business workflows in Japanese, Korean and dozens of other languages.”

Document Automation’s cloud-powered solution automatically extracts critical data from anonymized patient records, including handwritten information, and processes them with speed and accuracy, saving stretched healthcare organizations precious time to focus on improved patient outcomes. It can also rapidly scale to handle tens of thousands of pages per day and make data immediately available so that medical staff can make decisions quickly.

“We are seeing increased demand from customers for cloud-based RPA solutions to enable a more effective response to risks, while igniting a race for innovation in this time of need,” said Prince Kohli, CTO, Automation Anywhere. “Document Automation’s ability to provide cloud-based, AI-powered extraction helps eliminate the friction that hinders productivity, solves the challenge of processing data, and unleashes a new era of automation.”

With its built-in flexibility, Document Automation also allows organizations to get setup faster, with limited infrastructure costs, either on-premises, in the cloud or hybrid cloud environments – driving faster automation of document-centric processes, which can be critical in emergency response management.

“Moving services to digital is a vital component to surviving and even prospering in this time of unprecedented stress. Cloud services are key to companies managing their business to help accelerate their digitization plans,” said Harvey Spencer, Vice-President at Infosource/HSA, a leading analyst firm that follows this market. “Cloud allows organizations to satisfy their customers, manage remote workers and expand their capability at less cost -- they have more scalability, faster time to solutions and increased flexibility.”

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